Tuesday, February 14, 2006

From the olden days

Here's a photo of me circa 1978, working on the first computer system at the newspaper where I was working. Up until this time, we were using hot lead type, manual typewriters, half-sheets of copy paper to write headlines on (remember counting headlines?) and pencils. There were teletype machines which ran constantly in a glass room right out of camera shot. Oh the noise! No wonder journalists drank in those days.

Moving up to the computer age was a huge step forward in newspaper production (as in most industries). I count myself lucky to have bridged those worlds in my career. It's quite a feat, considering I'm only 21 now... *cough*

Oh, notice the brown glue pot on the desk. That was always good entertainment. When we weren't busy as all get-out, we would make glue balls. Oh sure, there was that contact high from actually being hit with the vapors, but it was also fun to see who could create the largest glue ball over time. Ah, good times...


Trixie said...

I was thinking of the teletype just the other day!

Erudite Redneck said...

Tell us more, Meemaw! (ducks).


Trixie said...

Grr. E.R. is just being a smart aleck because this was about the time he was toilet training.

Erudite Redneck said...

Hee hee!

But what a hot '70s chicklet!

Trixie said...

Oh yeah, man, I was smokin' hot back then in the day. (Laughing hysterically at the thought of that.)