Sunday, April 09, 2006

From the weekend

It has been a busy weekend. Here are a few photos to summarize:

On Saturday was the memorial service for my dear friend Jeanne. It was a great service. The choir sang "On Eagle's Wings" and this was how the altar was presented in her memory.
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Today was Palm Sunday. The children waved palms as the choir sang, accompanied by the handbell choir, a drummer and piano. I was playing in the handbells and managed to snap this photo of the kids during six measures of rest. I don't recommend the technique. Plus I got way too much of our music in the photos!
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Here's the handbell choir in our annual photo. (Advantage of being the photographer: I'm not in the photo!)
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I've mentioned the prayer shawl ministry before. Here's my second shawl at the end of the service as members of the congregation tie knots in the fringe as they pray for the person receiving the shawl. I had failed to photograph this shawl before taking it to the church so that's why I wanted to catch it today.
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After church, there was a luncheon hosted by the youth. They were giving a presentation about their spring break mission trip to New Orleans where they helped work on homes and a church which will serve as a gathering center for future mission trip teams. The presentation was overwhelming. These kids will have stories to share for the rest of their lives.
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All in all, a wonderful, weepy weekend. Emotions have been stretched in all directions.


Genevieve Netz said...

I think the altar picture is really lovely.

And you are darned good to be able to get the camera and take a picture within 6 measures! LOL

Erudite Redneck said...

Yay! I had a purdy good weekend -- week -- myself. Been doing stuff I needed *and* wantred to do, but allowing myself the flexisbiluty to change my mind without beating myself up for straying from my plans. Which is *not* me. I don't know what's going on. :-) I might actually be ready to go back to work Wednesday.

SBB said...

Your church sounds so cool. Wish it was closer. I'm kinda looking for a new church. I'm beginning to feel more and more that I don't belong at the one I'm at.